Upcoming Retreat 4/16/10 – 4/18/10 Tai Chi, Chi Kung and Meditation at Ocean Resort, Vancourver Island, BC, Canadahttp://oceanresort.ca/events.html

Here is an article about my Tai Chi and Chi Gong Workshop in Manitoba, Canada June 2009.  If you are in the Manitoba area and would like to try Chi Gong, yoga, drumming, or music bowls, you can contact Ginette Hacault.  Her e-mail is:momma_yellow@yahoo.com

Finding the best way to treat yourself

Posted 2 months ago

Photo by Glen Hallick Ginette Hacault of New Beginnings in the middle of her labyrinth at her home west of Bruxelles. She uses the labyrinth to help people get rid of stress.

Photo by Glen Hallick Ginette Hacault of New Beginnings in the middle of her labyrinth at her home west of Bruxelles. She uses the labyrinth to help people get rid of stress.

By Glen Hallick

Ginette Hacault has found her calling.

From her home about two kilometers west of Bruxelles the former social counsellor has opened a consulting service she calls New Beginnings.

“I do one-on-one consulting for people who experienced cancer or a different immune deficient disorder,” Hacault said.

“My business is primarily to build people’s immune systems.”

She pointed out anyone can seek her services, which includes attending her day retreats.

One such retreat is scheduled for June 21 and will focus on Tai Chi and Chi Kung. For the retreat Hacault is bringing in Master Danny Lai from Taiwan and he will show participants the Asian martial arts exercise techniques.

“Chi Kung is a stretchy, bouncy type of exercise,” she said.

Tai Chi, already well known in North America, involves synchronized movements.

“It’s quite intense, there’s over 100 different movements,” Hacault explained.

Although she has a large grassy area to practice the exercises, she said there are two quonsets in case of rain. However the preference she said is for a person to be in contact with nature.


With a background in psychology Hacault counselled homeless people in Calgary until she was stricken by cancer about two and half years ago.

“I intuitively healed myself, which means I quieted my brain and I paid attention to my higher self,” she said.

Hacault said her self-healing included nutritional supplements and spending six months immersed in nature. She said western culture needs to look to eastern healing methods and combine the two. Which is what she did for her cancer that included surgery.

Hacault said the body can heal itself by a person getting back in touch with nature, which in turn reduces stress. However she said such a process is not for everyone.

“What I believe is whatever you feel will heal you, is the best way you need to heal yourself,” she said.

“So if you believe [chemotherapy] will heal you then do chemo. I don’t suggest or advise doing what I did.”

Hacault explained New Beginnings also offers yoga, drumming, music bowls and labyrinths under one roof. The idea being to get people to relax and have them feel like they have been heard.

“People don’t feel like they have been listened to in our western medicine.”

She offers day retreats along with one-on-one counselling and family/group counselling. Although she can’t recommend nutritional supplements she does have a library for people to do their own research.

The one-on-one usually lasts two hours and Hacault is willing to meet the client wherever is suitable. And some of her methods include journaling, vision boards, and affirmation writing, along with talk therapy.

Hacault said the idea is have a person discover the healing process that’s best for them.

The article link:  http://www.carmanvalleyleader.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1598724