Overall our quality of life is better than thirty years ago, but our rhythm of life is also faster than ever before. Being busy and hurried has become a part of our modern lifestyle. As a result, many people have headaches, especially migraines. The most common headaches treatment is to take pills and then wait to see if the medication will work. But did you know that pressing the right acupuncture points will also mitigate your headache?
There are several acupuncture points linked to easing headaches:
1. GB 7 Acupuncture Point – QuBin – Gall Bladder Meridian
Chinese Name QuBin http://tcmdiscovery.com/2007/8-23/2007823164331.html
English Name Temporal Hairline Curve
Location: On the head at the crossing point of the vertical posterior border of the temple at a horizontal line through the ear apex (1 fingerbreadth anterior to TH 20).
Point Associations:
Intersection Point of the GB & UB Meridians
Actions & Effects:
Local Point, usually for headache.
Use both of your thumbs to press your Qu Bin point. Then, using medium force and speed, rub in tiny circles twenty to thirty times.
2. ST 8 Acupuncture Point – TouWei – Stomach Meridian
Chinese Name Touwei http://tcmdiscovery.com/2007/8-16/200781612520.html
English Name Head Corner
Location: Directly above ST 7, 0.5 cm within the anterior hairline at the corner of the forehead, 4.5 cm lateral to the midline of the head (GV 24).
Precautions: No Moxabustion.
Point Associations:
Intersection Point of the ST & GB Meridians.
Actions & Effects:
Classically mentioned for “splitting headache; headache w/nausea/vomiting; headache w/eye pain (migraine)” – particularly for frontal headaches.
Poor vision, twitching eyelids, eye pain, excessive tearing. Dizziness. Hair loss.
Use both of your thumbs to press your Tou Wei point. Then, using medium force and speed, rub in tiny circles twenty to thirty times.
3. GV 24 Acupuncture Point – ShenTing – Governing Vessel Meridian
Chinese Name ShenTing http://tcmdiscovery.com/2007/8-23/200782311246.html
English Name Spirit Court
Location: Midway between the AHL and GV 23.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Effects the cranial nerve system, useful for all issues related to the cranial nerves, TMJ, vertigo.
Point Associations:
Intersection Point of the Governing Vessel, Urinary Bladder & Stomach Channels
Actions & Effects:
Local point for frontal headache, chronic sinusitis, nosebleeds, excessive tearing.
Differentiation: GV 23 is more for nose problems whereas GV 24 is more for headaches.
Use your middle fingers to press your Shen Ting point. Then, using medium force and speed, rub in tiny circles twenty to thirty times.
4. GB 8 Acupuncture Point – Shuai Gu – Gall Bladder Meridian
Chinese Name Shuai Gu “http://tcmdiscovery.com/2007/8-23/2007823164555.html”
English Name Valley Lead
Location: Superior to the apex of the auricle, 1.5 cun within the hairline (1/2 ear length from the apex).
Point Associations:
Intersection Point of the GB & UB Meridians
Actions & Effects:
Migraine, one-sided or unilateral headaches and associated nausea, vomiting a/or visual disturbances.
Hangover, eases headache and harmonizes the middle jiao.
In the Bronze Man this point is indicated for cold & phlegm in the Diaphragm & ST, injury by alcohol & agitation & fullness with ceaseless vomiting.
Use your middle fingers to press your Shuai Gu point. Then, using medium force and speed, rub in tiny circles for two minutes.
Besides the four acupuncture points for headache. If you also have sleeplessness problem you also can try press Shenmen point to improve the sleeplessness problem.
HT 7 Acupuncture Point – ShenMen – Heart Meridian
Chinese Name ShenMen
English Name Spirit Gate
Location: At the wrist crease, on the radial side of the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, between the ulna and the pisiform bones.
Point Associations:
Yuan Source Point
Shu Stream Point
Earth Point
Actions & Effects:
Tonify deficiencies of the HT Qi, Blood, Yin and Yang.
Emotional issues, especially those with related sleep or thinking manifestations – insomnia, muddled thinking.
Heart and Phlegm fire leading to insomnia, anxiety, mania.
Physical responses to emotional stimuli – anxiety w/palpitations, nausea w/panic a/or fear.
Heart palpitations from any etiology as well as irregular heart beat, pounding heart, angina.
Tong Ren/Tam Healing System: Emotional/Psychological issues, w/PC 7 for sweat problems (too much or too little).
Use your thumbs to press your Shen Ting point. Then, using medium force and speed, rub in tiny circles for two minutes. Then change your hands.
Once you know all these acupuncture points you could do the exercises every day. It doesn’t take much time and could really help you reduce your headaches and sleeplessness. Prevention, rather than just treating the problem once it shows up.
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hi thank you for these useful information.I have recently got familiar with agupuncture and I really love it.I want to know what are the points for breast lift?I thank you in advance.
Hi Farnaz,
Well, I would like to help you,but please believe me Acupuncture is not omnipotent.
There is no single practice medical or otherwise that has all the answers. But they all have their gifts to give and so we may try to be more eclectic.
thank u for the use full points i really appreciate those points it work very well.
I am interested in learning about acupuncture, including the actual sites, for depression and weight management. Is there a book you can recommend?