Dharmazen online store will start to sell a wide range of goods of good quality and good taste at a reasonable price. You can depend on these three properties, something not all online stores can provide. The store is currently based in Taiwan ROC and has ready access to markets most North American and European stores do not.
The store will offer martial arts clothes like pants, shirts and jackets. It will also have related goods like meditation pillows, tea, tea sets, incense, and music. Any reasonable request for goods not listed can also be filled.
Inner Peace: Zen Music CD: Can help you meditate and practice T’ai Chi and Yoga.
About Zen, a lot could be said, but that would not be Zen, so the ancients keep silent. Zen is everywhere. It’s origin determined only by the listener. A summer breeze, the full moon of Autumn, a stream trickling from a cave, a boat on the river, as well as everything around us. All is like mountain dew, implying Zen.
Zen or non-Zen mind depends on what you take from this moment. A pot of tea, a cool breeze and a bright moon keeping you company in the night while you sit in your room with an idle mind are all part of a world of good intentions; universally enjoyed. But this is not Zen. As this environment changes, so too can a heart, quickly falling into a life of toil. Daily trivial details may overcome this sense, causing it to disappear. The meaning of Zen in life is to halt yourself in the room of quiet pleasure, and keep it through the daily traverse of space and time, covering the breadth of life. The situation doesn’t transfer its trivial details to you. On the contrary, you transfer your zen to your situation. It is when you have this heart to turn things that you are Buddha. People living in harmony with Zen hear its music twenty-four hours a day, not consuming their life chasing fleeting happiness that changes with the environment. All this is Zen. But all this is not Zen because, by speaking about it, the true meaning is limited and the mystery broken.
Let’s encourage each other in this spirit. Let’s transcend the endless hustle and bustle of human existence. We hope you like this album, in that order.
Tibetan Mantras for Turbulent Times:3. Purification: Om Benza Satto Hung 10. Dedication
Tibetan Mantras for Turbulent Times features Deva Premal & the Gyuto Monks of Tibet in a powerful, deeply moving mantra meditation album, offering eight Tibetan mantras chanted 108 times each. Notes from Deva and from the Gyuto Monks on how to best use these mantras for a personal meditation practice, as well as their meanings, are posted in the Lyrics & Chords section of Deva & Miten’s website.
All proceeds from the CD are directed to the Gyuto Monastery in Dharamsala, India, the Phowa Project, and Veggiyana.
released 01 March 2011
Produced by Deva Premal & Miten in collaboration with Gyuto House Australia
All royalties donated to the Tibetan people in exile.
Zen Music1-Lotus Please click on the link to listen the music Track02-cutmp3.net
OM MANI PADME HUM is a mantra particularly associated with the four-armed Shadakshari form of Avalokiteshvara. Mani means “the jewel” and Padma means “the lotus”. It is the six syllabled mantra of the bodhisattva of compassion, Avalokiteshvara (Tibetan Chenrezig, Chinese Guanyin). The mantra is especially revered by the devotees of the Dalai Lama, as he is said to be an incarnation of Chenrezig or Avalokiteshvara. It is commonly carved onto rocks and written on paper which is inserted into prayer wheels, said to increase the mantra’s effects.
Zen Music2-8 Winds Please click on the link to listen the music Track02_0114
Eight winds arrive from all directions: speaking of suffering, emptness, impermanence, the sound of Dharma.
If you like the music you can buy the CD from Dharmazen online store:http://www.damazen.com/cargo/index.html