Dharmazen T’ai Chi & Qi Gong
by on AUGUST 9, 2012 from Irene Sanchez “http://irenesanchezcelis.com/news/”
During my stay in Taiwan, I found an amazing T’ai Chi and Qi Gong teacher, Master Danny Lai. He is originally from the same city I was staying for my Traditional Chinese Medicine internship, Taichung City. I was very lucky that he was there because usually he lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada with his Canadian wife and two children. For two months I got to spend time with this lovely family and received teachings from Master Lai.
Master Danny Lai, has learned many different kinds of martial arts, including T’ai Chi, Hsing-Yi, Ba Gua, Tae Kwon Do and Shaolin. But after many years of practice, he decided he wanted to create his own styles of Qi Gong and T’ai Chi that will help busy people living in modern society. During my two months of training I learned 3 styles:
– Dharma Qi Gong
– Dharmazen T’ai Chi Qi Gong
– Dharmazen 24 movements T’ai Chi
Dharma Qi Gong: this Qi Gong can help your muscles and tendons to become stronger, more relaxed and flexible. He has taken the best pieces of larger Qi Gong forms and martial arts and consolidated them into 3 forms: beginners, intermediate, and advanced. Each form consists of 12 movements. Proper breathing and proper body movements are emphasized while developing coordination , energy and internal harmony.
Dharma T’ai Chi Qi Gong: this style was created according to the theory and movements of T’ai Chi Chu’an, Ba Gua Zhang and Qi Gong breathing. It is for people who only want to do Qi Gong exercises and don’t want to learn a T’ai Chi Chu’an form. T’ai Chi Qi Gong can let them get the benefits from the Qi Gong breathing exercises for the inner body and the profits from the T’ai Chi movments for the outer body.
Dharmazen 24 Movements T’ai Chi: this style is derived from all three internal martial arts: T’ai Chi Chu’an, Xing Yi and Ba Gua. Each movement has practical self defence applications and practicing the entire form will still promote good health, body balance and coordination. Many movements are circular and combine gentle and forceful actions. This T’ai Chi is designed to fit in a modern person’s busy schedule and limited practice space yet sitll provide the healing benefits of these gentle martial arts.
After two months of training my body felt stronger, more flexible and I had more energy. I’m very grateful for the teachings and most of all of getting to know this amazing teacher and his family.
If you are at the Vancouver area and would like to try Dharma-zen Qi Gong, yoga, or acupuncture please contact Irene Sanchez.
For more information please visit:”http://irenesanchezcelis.com/news/”
I am looking for his classes here in Calgary, would you please direct me to his phon encumber. Thank you in advance. Best day, L Freebairn. farneill@toughcountry.net